Regrow Hair After Chemotherapy: How to Restore Your Looks After Treatment

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Losing your hair is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy.

While it is a natural process, and most people will regrow their hair after treatment ends, it can be difficult to wait for your locks to grow back.

If you are looking for ways to regrow hair after chemotherapy, read on for our top tips!

Regrow Hair After Chemotherapy

Regrow Hair After Chemotherapy

1. What is Chemotherapy and How Does it Work to Kill Cancer Cells in The Body?

Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be given intravenously (through an IV), as a pill, or topically (as a cream or ointment). The chemotherapy drugs enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body to kill cancer cells.

2. What are The Side Effects of Chemotherapy?

The side effects of chemotherapy vary depending on the type and dose of drugs given, as well as the person’s overall health. The most common side effect of chemotherapy is hair loss. Other side effects can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mouth sores
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Skin changes
  • Neuropathy (tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands and feet)

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3. What Can I Do to Prevent Hair Loss During Chemotherapy?

There are a few things you can do to prevent or minimize hair loss during chemotherapy:

Cold Cap Therapy:

Cold cap therapy is a type of scalp-cooling treatment that can be used during chemotherapy to prevent hair loss. The cold cap is placed on the head before, during, and after each chemotherapy treatment.

Chemotherapy Drugs:

Some chemotherapy drugs are less likely to cause hair loss than others. Your doctor can tell you if the chemo drugs you are taking are associated with a high risk of hair loss.

Scalp Care:

Taking good care of your scalp during chemotherapy can help prevent hair loss. Be sure to gently clean your scalp and avoid any harsh chemicals or treatments, such as hair dyes, perms, and straightening treatments.

4. How Hair Loss Affects Patients During and After Treatment

Hair loss can be a difficult side effect to cope with during and after treatment. Some patients may feel self-conscious or anxious about their appearance. Others may find that hair loss affects their ability to do activities they enjoy, such as swimming or exercising.

5. The Importance of Regrowing Hair After Chemotherapy

Re-growing hair after chemotherapy is important for many patients. Hair loss can be a difficult side effect to cope with and can affect a person’s self-esteem. Re-growing hair after chemotherapy can help restore a sense of normalcy and improve quality of life.

7. Methods for Restoring Hair Growth After Chemo Therapy

There are a few different methods that can be used to restore hair growth after chemotherapy:


Minoxidil is a medication that is applied to the scalp to stimulate hair growth. It is available over the counter and by prescription.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy:

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a type of treatment that uses the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. Platelets are rich in growth factors, which can help promote hair growth.

Laser Therapy:

Laser therapy uses low levels of laser light to stimulate hair growth. It is available at some clinics and spas.

8. Foods that Support Healthy Hair Growth

Eating a healthy diet is important for overall health and can also help support healthy hair growth. Some foods that are good for the hair include:

Regrow Hair After Chemotherapy


Salmon is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy hair growth.


Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, which is necessary for healthy hair growth.

Greek Yogurt:

Greek yoghurt is a good source of protein and can help promote hair growth.

Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are a good source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for healthy hair growth.

9. Vitamins and Supplements for Hair Growth

In addition to eating a healthy diet, taking vitamins and supplements can also help support healthy hair growth. Some vitamins and supplements that are beneficial for the hair include:

Regrow Hair After Chemotherapy


Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for healthy hair growth. It is available in supplement form and is also found in certain foods, such as eggs and nuts.

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps support collagen production, which is necessary for healthy hair growth. It is available in supplement form and is also found in many fruits and vegetables.


Iron is a mineral that is necessary for healthy hair growth. It is found in supplement form and in foods such as meat, poultry, and beans.

10. Supplements That Can Promote New Hair Growth

There are a few different supplements that can help promote new hair growth:


Ginseng is a herbal supplement that has been shown to stimulate hair growth. It is available in supplement form and is also found in some energy drinks.

Hyaluronic Acid:

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is found in the body. It is available in supplement form and is also found in some skin care products.

Marine Collagen:

Marine collagen is a type of protein that is derived from fish. It is available in supplement form and is also found in some cosmetics.

11. Hair Care Tips for Promoting Hair Growth

In addition to taking supplements and eating a healthy diet, there are also some hair care tips that can help promote hair growth:

Regrow Hair After Chemotherapy

Use a Gentle Shampoo:

Choose a shampoo that is designed for your hair type and use it gently to avoid damaging your hair.

Avoid Heat Styling:

Heat styling can damage your hair and lead to breakage. If you must use heat styling, use the lowest setting possible and avoid using it on wet hair.

Protect Your Hair:

When you are outside, wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from the sun and wind. Chemotherapy can take a toll on your looks. Hair loss is often one of the most visible side effects. But don’t worry, there are ways to restore your hair and regain your confidence after treatment.

Here are five tips for regrowing hair after chemotherapy:

  • 1) Talk to Your Doctor About Taking Medication
  • 2) Consider Wearing a Hat or Scarf
  • 3) Use Cold Water to Shampoo
  • 4) Massage the Scalp with Essential Oils
  • 5) Try Natural Supplements

Final Thoughts:

Although losing your hair can be difficult, there are many ways you can work to regrow it. With these five tips, you should be well on your way to restoring your looks and feeling confident again. Have you tried any of these methods? Let us know in the comments below.



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